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5 Human Rights Law Books That You Can Download for Free

We have compiled 5 human rights law books which are available for free. Check them out!

Human Rights and the Borders of Suffering – Anne Brown

This book investigates human rights as a language for probing the political dimensions of human suffering, to argue for a greater openness in the ways in which International Human Rights Law is approached. Through looking at the Western models of human rights, and their sometimes-problematic implementation, the author highlights rights promotion as a long and difficult conversation about the relationship between political organisations and suffering. The book examines three case studies of violence and suffering to illustrate the need to work towards rights practices that are more responsive to the wide spectrum of issues faced worldwide. This book is a valuable contribution to Human Rights Law debates, and will provide readers with a fresh perspective on the ways in which human rights can and should be realised.

Human Rights in Business: Removal of Barriers to Access to Justice in the European Union – Juan José Álvarez Rubio and Katerina Yiannibas

With a focus on human rights in the sphere of business, this book looks at the growing power of multinational companies, and the difficulty in regulating them in a way which ensures they conform to international human, labour and environmental rights standards. In the current world economy, in which large corporations control massive portions of the market, are incorporated in several states, and are not bound by human rights treaties, regulation and monitoring can be difficult. This book presents research conducted on human rights abuses committed by EU companies in non-EU states, and provides recommendations for policy proposals, judicial remedies, and access to justice in the EU for victims of business-related human rights abuses in non-EU states. As an ever-growing area of concern, this perspective is an important one for any human rights scholar, and this book will provide you with an insight into not only the problem, but also possible solutions to this human rights issue.

Human Rights and the Environment: Philosophical, Theoretical and Legal Perspectives – Linda Hajjar Leib

The world is facing a number of environmental challenges, including global warming, pollution, deforestation and desertification. Such a crisis is only likely to get worse, and this will inevitably have an impact on humanity. One fairly undeveloped framework for dealing with global environmental issues is Human Rights Law. This book examines the development of the Right to Environment in international law, and discusses the philosophical, theoretical and legal underpinnings of such a right. Environmental rights are explored in the context of sustainable development, as well as the notion of solidarity rights. This book will provide readers with essential knowledge in the field of environmental rights, the relevance of which, in the current climate, cannot be understated.

The Intersection of Human Rights and Culture – Melissa Pichard

This book explores the relationship between culture and human rights – two concepts that frequently intersect, and often clash. The author explores this through case studies on genital modification, and compares and contrasts the Western and Muslim cultural perspectives surrounding this topic. The book addresses cultural stereotyping and breaks down our beliefs and ideas about cultures to demonstrate a variability that human rights law must be able to work with, rather than against. In providing a critical reflection on culture and human rights, the author offers an important perspective that will further your analysis of Human Rights Law.

Curriculum for Building a Culture of Peace – Virginia Cawagas and Ross Ryan

A culture of peace is a concept of non-violence and respect for fundamental rights and freedoms endorsed by the United Nations and proposed as a method of attaining positive peace – which includes respect for human rights and mechanisms for continued peace and freedom, rather than simply an absence of violence. This book is a collection of works from different authors, and deals with topics ranging from human rights education, to sexual violence, to the Sustainable Development Goals, to the rights to food and healthcare, to dismantling systems of oppression. In looking at peace as a multidisciplinary process, rather than merely an end goal, it engages Human Rights Law as an aspect of such development, and provides a fresh perspective on how international policy can progress. Thus, it will provide you with new ideas and an innovative outlook on the ways in which Human Rights Law can be used to move society forwards.

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Human Rights Careers

Human Rights Careers (HRC) provides information about online courses, jobs, paid internships, masters degrees, scholarships and other opportunities in the human rights sector and related areas.