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Resilience in Children Exposed to Trauma, Disaster and War (Minnesota University)

This free Massive Open Online Course offered by the University of Minnesota has a duration of 8 weeks and is held entirely in English. The course explores how children overcome hazardous experiences to succeed in life, what can be done to protect young people at risk from war trauma and how resilience can be fostered in children at risk.

During this course, participants will: learn how trauma can affect children and the systems they depend on, gain insight into core concepts, research methods and lessons learned in last 50 years of resilience research, learn how research is being applied in the real world through interventions that promote resilience, and engage in discussions with others who are working with children at risk around the world.

The course materials are available for free but all course participants have the option to obtain a paid verified certificate. Financial Aid is available for learners who cannot afford the fee. The course is taught by Regents Professor Ann S. Masten of the Institute of Child Development.

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Human Rights Careers

Human Rights Careers (HRC) provides information about online courses, jobs, paid internships, masters degrees, scholarships and other opportunities in the human rights sector and related areas.