Survival is a human rights group that is committed to protect native populations around the world. Particularly, the group works with indigenous populations in the UK as well as in the U.S., Germany, France, Spain and Italy to help preserve cultures and fight for equal rights. The organization also provides support for overseas projects in Africa, Central and South America, Australia and Asia, providing financial aid and administrative support to tribal-led humanitarian projects.
The British Institute of Human Rights
The British Institute of Human Rights is an organization that serves British citizens, permanent residents and immigrants, championing human rights. Through legal representation and lobbying, the group defends human rights and stands up against all types of human rights abuses in the UK and abroad. The group also provides training sessions for individuals in the nonprofit, public and private sectors whose work relates to human rights and maintains a blog about human rights law.
Privacy International
Privacy International is a registered UK charity that is dedicated to protecting the privacy of people around the world and defending the right of privacy against all levels of government encroachment. The group investigates government surveillance techniques and sheds light on practices that infringe on human rights. Findings are made available to the public and used to prepare briefings for government agencies. Their work has brought to light attempts to illegally monitor citizens of the UK and people around the world.
Do you want to pursue a career in human rights?
Our eBook "Launching Your Career in Human Rights" is an in-depth resource designed for those committed to pursuing a career in the human rights field. It covers a wide range of topics, including the types of careers available, the necessary skills and competencies, and the educational pathways that can lead to success in this sector. Whether you're considering a master's degree, looking for your first job, or exploring specific human rights issues, this guide offers valuable insights and practical advice. It's a helpful tool for anyone looking to understand the complexities of working in human rights and how to effectively navigate the challenges and opportunities that come with this important work. Learn more.CCJO René Cassin
CCJO René Cassin is an organization that was established to fight for human rights as defined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Steeped in the Jewish faith, the group champions human rights in the UK and abroad in a variety of ways. They analyze policy, engage in advocacy and launch campaigns to educate the public about important human rights topics. The group is named for a French-Jewish jurist who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1968 for his work in human rights.
Fair Trials International
The Fair Trials International is a nonprofit founded to defend the universal human right of being entitled to a fair trial when convicted of a crime. Individuals who believe they are being unjustly imprisoned or otherwise being denied the opportunity for a fair trial can seek help from the group’s team of lawyers and advocates to fight for their rights. Their work has spanned the globe and helped thousands receive fair trials in accordance with international law.
REDRESS is a human rights organization that is fighting to end the practice of torture around the world. Through casework, advocacy and partnering with other organizations, the group works to get justice for individuals who have been tortured by governments around the world. In addition, the group exposes instances of torture perpetuated by governments in an effort to put a stop to these methods of interrogation and intimidation.
Amnesty International (International Secretariat)
Amnesty International is a global organization that has offices all around the world. The Office of the Secretariat is based in London, UK, and more than 7 million people actively volunteer or work for the group worldwide. Amnesty International began by fighting the death penalty and has gone on to expand their mission to include fighting for all types of human rights through advocacy, public awareness campaigns, legal representation and peaceful protests.
Women Aid International
Women Aid International is a humanitarian group and development organization that has been fighting to benefit women since 1987. The purpose of the group is to improve the lives of women living all over the world. Humanitarian aid is provided to women living in poverty, and the group supplies development grants to programs that are seeking to lift women out of poverty. In addition, the group conducts research into women’s issues, spreads awareness about human rights issues and provides assistance for health promotion and disease prevention.
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre is dedicated to fighting corporate infringements on human rights around the world. Every day, the organization busily monitors the performance and policies of more than 6000 large companies based in more than 180 countries. Instances of human rights abuses are reported to the public and addressed directly with companies. The center also advocates and lobbies governments around the world to strengthen laws that protect people from rights abuses from corporations.
Anti-Slavery International
Anti-Slavery International is a human rights group that has been fighting to put an end to slavery since 1839, making it the oldest human rights group in the world still in existence today. Originally, the group was founded by a team of British abolitionists to bring an end to the slave trade in England and the U.S. Now, the group focuses on ending forced labor, bonded labor, human trafficking, child labor, descent-based slavery, slavery in supply chains, the exploitation of migrant workers and forced and early marriages.
Article 19
Article 19 is a group dedicated to fighting for the universal right of freedom of expression in all of its forms. Through a variety of endeavors, the group seeks to promote the right for people around the world to speak out about their social, cultural, political and economic views and for the press to be able to freely report on world events without censorship. The group also fights for the right to know or the free flow of information to the public via art, Internet, media, academic writings and government data sharing.
Girls Not Brides
Girls Not Brides is a group that draws on the resources of 600 different civil and nonprofit organizations around the world, pooling together people from 80 different countries to fight the practice of forcing children to marry at a young age. The group was founded in September 2011 and does work in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Africa.
Minority Rights Group International
Minority Rights Group International is an organization that consists of 130 partner organizations located in 60 countries. While these organizations are spread around the world, they are all working toward a common goal–ensuring that the rights of indigenous people and those living in poverty are protected. The group provides training and education, legal representation, media awareness campaigns, cultural programs and publications related to these topics of human rights.
JUSTICE is a human rights organization that crosses party lines in the United Kingdom to fight for reform of the civil, criminal and administrative justice system in the country. Their goal is to improve the fairness, accessibility and efficiency of the legal system and to ensure that the rights of everyone who appears in a UK court are equally protected under the law.
Media Legal Defence Initiative (MLDI)
The Media Legal Defence Initiative is an organization that provides legal representation for bloggers, journalists, reporters, photo journalists and other independent producers of media. Their assistance is designed to help those who are sued in criminal or civil courts of law for reporting information of public interest receive a chance at a fair trial with the ultimate goal of strengthening and protecting the universal human right of freedom of the press.
Freedom from Torture
Freedom from Torture is a nonprofit organization that provides support for individuals who were victims of torture abroad. Founded more than 30 years ago, the group provides free medical services, counseling and other interventions to help those whose lives have been destroyed by torture start over. The group also actively campaigns against all forms of torture.
Equal Rights Trust
The Equal Rights Trust is an organization that is dedicated to helping fight for human rights around the globe. At the present time, the trust is involved in more than 40 countries, working through advocacy, development, movement building and litigation to improve human rights conditions. Specifically, the group seeks to protect individuals who have been discriminated against on the basis of their nationality, religion, gender, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, socioeconomic status and social status.
European Human Rights Advocacy Centre (EHRAC)
The European Human Rights Advocacy Centre is an organization that is dedicated to bringing instances of human rights abuses to light and helping those whose rights have been infringed upon get justice. Through their legal team, the group brings cases that deal with violations of the European Convention on Human Rights to the European Court. Since 2003, the center has successfully received settlements of more than €9.5 million for the individuals that they represented and have won 97 percent of all cases that they brought before judges.
Advice on Individual Rights in Europe (AIRE Centre)
The Advice on Individual Rights in Europe or AIRE Centre is a nonprofit organization based in London that believes everyone is entitled to legal representation when their basic human rights have been violated. The organization provides free legal advice to individuals, helping to interpret European rights laws and the law of the European Union, so that individuals who may have a case know what steps to take next. The organization has a team of expert lawyers available to provide advice and representation as needed.