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Publish your human rights paper and get paid for it


Human rights students are writing dozens of papers during their studies. But what is happening when the work is done?

Indeed it is a waste of resources that most student papers are only read by one lecturer and then forever disappear somewhere in a drawer. Now you can make your paper accessible to a large readership and earn money at the same time.

GRIN Publishing is offering students around the world the opportunity to publish their papers in their online research library either in print or e-book version.

Students who sign up to the platform will be able to choose to get paid through a one time fee or a certain percentage (up to 45%) of the sales on a quarterly basis. The paper will receive its one ISBN code and will be marketed in thousands of online stores.

About the author

Human Rights Careers

Human Rights Careers (HRC) provides information about online courses, jobs, paid internships, masters degrees, scholarships and other opportunities in the human rights sector and related areas.