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New Roe v. Wade Teach-out from the University of Michigan (entirely free)

Roe v. Wade was a landmark ruling in 1973 by the U.S. Supreme Court that granted people who can get pregnant the right to abortion. With the overturning of Roe v. Wade in June 2022, abortion policies and reproductive rights are now in the hands of each state. The consequences for women, girls, and people who can get pregnant are severe. According to Planned Parenthood 36 million people will lose access to safe abortions in the United States. Restrictions on abortion can seriously impact a variety of fundamental human rights including the right to health, privacy, equality, and the right to freedom from cruel, degrading, and inhuman treatment. This decision marks an outrageous step backwards for the protection of fundamental human rights.

To learn more about the history, significance and consequences of the ruling University of Michigan is offering a Teach-out on Roe v. Wade. The learning opportunity is entirely free and takes roughly 7 hours to complete. In the first week of the Teach-out you will explore the basics of reproductive rights. You will discuss what abortion is, learn what realities patients are facing, and investigate what global trends look like. In the second week of the Teach-out you will look at specific supreme court cases and decisions. The third week is dedicated to public opinions on abortion and how gender shapes the public discourse. In the fourth week you will learn about the medical implications of the court ruling.

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Human Rights Careers

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