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MA Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice

Key information
University University of British Columbia
Country Canada
Learning mode On-Campus
Pace Full-time
Duration 16 months
Tuition fee $ 9,500.19/year
Application deadline(s) September 20, 2024
Official Website Click here

The MA program at the Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice (GRSJ) is an interdisciplinary graduate program that attracts scholars from around the world. The program incorporates research and theory from various fields, including social sciences, humanities, science, education, and law. Students engage in theoretical and empirical work that contributes to the advancement of current knowledge and relevant dialogues around culture, politics, and public policy in local, global, and transnational contexts. The program explores critical race theory, ethnic studies, indigenous studies, media studies, feminist politics and methodologies, health, history and autobiography, international development, literature/film and cultural studies, migration and racialization, gender, sexuality, social justice, social policy, and community action.

The Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice emphasizes a collaborative approach to research and teaching, providing opportunities for graduate students to interact with other students and faculty on shared themes of interest. The program is interdisciplinary in nature, with participation from across UBC departments and units, extending networks across the campus community and beyond. The program’s faculty and students are heavily engaged in community-based research and teaching, reflecting the unique diversity in interdisciplinary thought and practice