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Amnesty International offers free course on Refugee Rights

Learn about the rights of refugees and how you can protect them.


The world’s largest non-governmental human rights organization, Amnesty International, is launching a free Massive Open Online course on Human Rights: The Rights of Refugees. The self-paced course takes approximately three weeks to complete and is available in English, Spanish and French. In this course you will learn about the basics of human movement, refugees and refugee law.

The course follows the chronology of a refugee journey from displacement, to the flight itself, to the resettlement in a new country. In every chapter you will learn about the rights that are most affected during each stage and the hardships refugees must face on their perilous journeys.

In the first part of the course you will learn about basic terminology that governs refugee law. You will be able to differentiate between refugees, migrants, internally displaced persons and asylum seekers. And you will be able to outline the human rights that are most relevant for the protection of refugees around the world.

In the second part of the course you will learn about the basics of the international protection system, including the principle of non-refoulement, state obligations to rescue at sea and the right to seek and receive asylum.

The third part of the course which is dealing with the arrival and resettlement in a new country is focused on the right to family reunification and discusses why governments should share the responsibility to fulfil their obligations towards the protection of refugees.

Throughout this action-oriented course you will design your own action plan and you will learn how to generate initiatives individually or collectively to defend and promote the rights of people who seek international protection.

While the course contents are available for free, you can opt-in for a verified certificate issued and signed by Amnesty International’s Secretary General for an additional fee of $49.

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Human Rights Careers

Human Rights Careers (HRC) provides information about online courses, jobs, paid internships, masters degrees, scholarships and other opportunities in the human rights sector and related areas.