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Women in Leadership and Activism (Case Western Reserve University)

Women in Leadership: Inspiring Positive Change!

This course aims to inspire and empower women and men across the world to engage in purposeful career development and take on leadership for important causes—to lead change with more conviction and confidence—and improve our workplaces and communities for all. By offering more complex understandings of issues related to professional women and work, the course will help you increase self-knowledge about your own values and vision, as well as enhance your capabilities as a leader, manager, and team contributor. The course will examine the opportunities, challenges, trade-offs, and organizational dynamics experienced by women in work organizations, as well as reflect on and practice effective individual behaviors.

The Psychology of Political Activism: Women Changing the World

In this course you will learn what motivates prominent women such as Gloria Steinem, Loretta Ross, and others to become involved in activism in this political psychology course. Through rich, interactive case studies you will meet nine prominent women activists who were engaged in efforts and movements in the U.S. from the 1960s through the 1990s including the Civil Rights Movement, the LGBTQ Movement, and the Reproductive Justice Movement. Within the online community you will discuss and debate how psychological theories can explain these activists’ motivations, discover where the theories are and are not applicable, and collaboratively create new understandings and analyses.

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Human Rights Careers

Human Rights Careers (HRC) provides information about online courses, jobs, paid internships, masters degrees, scholarships and other opportunities in the human rights sector and related areas.

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