Apply now: Equitas launches Second Edition of Global Rights Connection!

Global Rights Connection is an innovative human rights training program offered entirely online. The second edition will take place from September to December 2022. The 11-week Global Rights Connection training program is no ordinary online course. It’s a collaborative community where participants connect with human rights defenders from around the world, and leave with a unique certification in human rights education!

The deadline for applying is June 19, 2022.

Global Rights Connection is a virtual, participatory and transformative training for human rights educators around the world. It aims to build the capacity of participants to carry out human rights education activities using approaches that promote positive social change.

The program is a unique opportunity for human rights educators to acquire practical tools to improve the effectiveness and impact of their work while deepening their understanding of human rights.

Curriculum and format

First phase is the online portion of the training program, lasting 11–weeks, requiring approximately 100 hours of both in-group and self-led learning and training, consisting of 11 learning modules, structured in 3 pillars:

  1. Fundamentals of human rights: concepts, values, debates
  2. Key approaches and methodologies in human rights education
  3. Taking action: from theory to practice

In a transversal way, the training emphasizes gender equality and a gender perspective. Each weekly learning module includes a portion of self-guided individual work (which consists of completing course materials and online modules in preparation for each weekly live group work session), as well as a portion of group work. Each work group is accompanied by a pair of experienced facilitators who adhere to the participatory approach that is central to the program. During this first phase of the program, each participant prepares, with the support of Equitas, an individual action plan to implement what he or she has learned from the training in his or her work (with his or her organization), projects or community.

Second, for 3 months following the online portion of the program, participants move from theory to practice, implementing the individual action plan they created during the first phase. The time commitment for this second phase will vary by participant; it can for example consist of 30 hours over 3 months.

Who can apply?

Global Rights Connection is for representatives of civil society organizations, national human rights institutions and government agencies that hold human rights education training activities. Individuals submitting an application must be in a position to influence the human rights education activities of their organization. The participant’s organization must agree to make time available to participate in the training, as well as commit to facilitating the transfer and implementation of the knowledge and approaches acquired by the individual who participated in the training. Other eligibility criteria apply.

Participation fees

The participation fee is $2,300 CAD. This amount covers covers the full cost of tuition (access to online learning platforms, course materials, coaching provided by the facilitation teams, access to special events, etc.). Participants are responsible for ensuring that these costs can be covered by other means of funding. A very limited number of partial and full scholarships will be available. We encourage all our participants to find funding to cover their participation costs.

For more information, visit :

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Human Rights Careers

Human Rights Careers (HRC) provides information about online courses, jobs, paid internships, masters degrees, scholarships and other opportunities in the human rights sector and related areas.